Math Notes and Math Tests

(Prof. Ken Kuniyuki's Web Page)

Email me

Suggestions are welcome! - Thanks - Ken Kuniyuki (B.S., M.S. Stanford / M.A. UCSD), Professor: San Diego Mesa College.

Web Sites, Resources

Using This Web Site, Calculators, Study Groups, Homework

Math Field Day (Challenging Questions)

My Schedule: Poster.pdf

Class Web Sites


Math 119 (Statistics)

Math 141 (Precalculus – College Algebra and Trigonometry)


Math 107 (Intro Scientific Programming / Java) by Steve Horton

Math 119 (Statistics)

Math 121 (Applied Calculus I)

Math 141 (Precalculus – College Algebra and Trigonometry)

Math 150 (Calculus w/Analytic Geometry I)

Math 151 (Calculus w/Analytic Geometry II)

Math 245 (Discrete Mathematics)

Math 252 (Calculus w/Analytic Geometry III)

Math 254 (Linear Algebra)

Math 255 (Differential Equations - not yet; see books below)

Start with the Schaum's Outline:

Classic (and cheap) book on the market that fills in lots of details (maybe better for more advanced study): Tenenbaum and Pollard ɠ


This unofficial website or page is maintained and owned by Ken Kuniyuki. Content provided does not reflect the views or opinions of the San Diego Community College District, or Mesa College. Comments about the content on this site should be directed to the web site owner at:

The website owner bears no responsibility for computer system errors. If you find any errors, contact me as soon as possible. My students must share responsibility with me for the accuracy of the information on this site and in the class as a whole.

Email me

Suggestions are welcome! - Thanks - Ken Kuniyuki (B.S., M.S. Stanford / M.A. UCSD), Professor: San Diego Mesa College.